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Saab Global
Giraffe 1X GBAD
当敏捷性和快速反应接近战斗区域是必不可少的, the Giraffe 1X 3D multi-mission radar protect your forces, secures their freedom of manoeuvre and supports air superiority.
Giraffe 1X Supacat Jackal
GBAD image C3 focus

Key features

Small, lightweight high performing 3D radar
Enables unique flexibility and redundancy in GBAD solutions
Covers the entire search volume every second

Lightweight multi-mission surveillance radar

长颈鹿1X是地面防空(GBAD)领域理想的空中监视组件,为地面防空指挥官提供交战质量目标数据, drone detection and Counter-Artillery, Rocket and Mortar (C-RAM) sense and warn within a single solution. 它是非常近距离雷达(VSHORAD)系统的理想主传感器,可以用作空隙填充物,补充较大的GBAD系统, or as a Counter-UAS (C-UAS) solution.

Small, lightweight, high-performing 3D radar

紧凑的概念使长颈鹿1X完美的选择时,需要连续的空中监视作为短程监视和地面防空的一部分. The weight, 加上其极低的功耗,使其易于集成到任何类型的移动平台或固定结构. 系统总重量小于150公斤,上部重量为100公斤.

Giraffe 1X provides swift understanding of the air situation, enabling immediate and effective response to changing threats, new tactics and shifting operational conditions. 紧凑的高性能3D雷达每秒覆盖整个搜索量,并将探测到任何空中威胁, including Low, Slow and Small (LSS) targets.

Fixed, mobile or deployable with small footprint

Giraffe 1X C2
Giraffe 1X Deployment Set
Giraffe 1X Deployment Set

Giraffe 1X can be used as either a mobile, a deployable or a fixed asset for short-range surveillance and GBAD. Giraffe 1X has an exceptional small integration footprint. In fact, 完整的雷达可以在皮卡大小的车辆上运输, by helicopter or towed on a trailer. 它可以永久安装在建筑物或桅杆上,也可以集成到合适的车辆中. The system can be operated remotely or locally.

Multifunctional protection

Giraffe 1X provides simultaneous air surveillance, GBAD target acquisition, and RAM sense and warn capabilities without performance degradation. 它也可以交付具有海面监视能力,并且可以配置完全独立的C3能力.

自动跟踪功能为操作人员提供快速可靠的反馈. Giraffe 1X can detect fixed and rotary wing targets, 快速导弹和随机存储器目标以及高杂波环境下的小型无人机. 它每秒覆盖整个搜索范围,并为部队提供早期预警. 它还提供了武器系统和战术数据链的灵活集成,使用户在连接选项方面具有很大的灵活性.

Drone detection and classification

Giraffe Drone Tracker Capability

无人机跟踪能力提供了最先进的无人机(无人机)探测性能, 以长颈鹿雷达设计背后的创新思维为基础. It detects and tracks small/mini-UAVs, 甚至将它们与误报率降至绝对最低的鸟类区分开来.

它可以用于广泛的应用,如监控机场飞行区域, local protection of own forces while on the move, camps or civil event protection, and UAV surveillance of larger areas.

Video - 01.00

Creating time to act

Giraffe 1X arctic graded

Did you know...

... that Giraffe 1X has a total system weight of less than 150 kg

  • Giraffe 1X is the only true multifunctional radar in its class
  • 长颈鹿1X可以集成在任何类型的移动或固定安装
  • 长颈鹿1X可以在距离雷达4公里远的地方探测到比牛奶盒还轻的无人机
total system weight of less than 150 kg

Contact us

Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


Daniel Forsberg
Head of Marketing & Sales at BU Surface Sensor Solutions


Leaflet in pdf for view or download:
18 September 2020
25 September 2020

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